作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2024-04-06 21:50:35 浏览次数:40
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双语使用场景Everywhere he went he was introduced as the current United States Open Champion.───他所到之处人们都介绍他是本届美国公开赛的冠军。
Although favorite to win the race, the champion jockey had an off day and was unplaced.───虽然那位第一流的职业骑手最有希望赢得比赛的胜利, 但他的身体感到不舒服,结果未得名次.
He reckons on being world heavyweight champion.───他相信自己能成为世界重量级冠军。
He carried off champion easily in the competition.───他在比赛中轻取冠军.
aspirants to the title of world champion───有志夺取世界冠军的人
He is a quitter who is temperamentally unsuited to remaining a champion.───他是个遇难而退的人,照他的性格,不可能长期保住冠军的称号。
Historians built him up as the champion of parliament.───历史学家把他誉为议会的捍卫者。
Gary Kasparov has retained his title as world chess champion.───加雷·卡斯帕罗夫卫冕了他国际象棋世界冠军的称号。
英语使用场景He was crowned champion after his fight in Atlanta.
He is the boxing champion of the world.
Don't ever underestimate the heart of a champion.
Her trainer is a triple Olympic champion.
Mike Tyson was heavyweight champion of the world.