accosted by是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-11-06 12:21:42 浏览次数:76
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accounted for───对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因;导致;(比例)占
abided by───遵守;信守;承担…的后果
双语使用场景She was accosted by a complete stranger .───一个她完全不认识的人过来跟她搭讪。
I was accosted by a beggar.───一乞丐向我讨乞。
She was accosted by a complete stranger.───一个她完全不认识的人过来和她搭讪。
One day the wicker husband was on his way back from checking the fish-traps, when he was accosted by the baker.───一天,柳条丈夫在检查完捕鱼陷阱回来的路上碰到了面包师,面包师主动与他搭讪。
A week ago, I came to work a few hours early and was accosted by two men who pushed me inside and robbed me.───一周前,我提前几个小时来到单位,两个男人跟我搭话,并把我推到里面抢了我的钱。
A week ago, I came to work early and was accosted by two men who tied me up, gagged me, robbed me and left me face down on the floor.───一周前的那天,我很早来到单位,有两个男人上来搭话,接着就把我捆住,用东西塞住我的嘴,抢走了我的钱,然后就扔下趴在地上的我逃走了。
One evening, on his way home from the office, Hiroshi is accosted by a raggedy man who claims to be his father.───一天,放工回家途中他遇到了一名衣衫褴褛的男子,坚称自己便是他的父亲。
I once read in a magazine in Beijing about a man aboard a train who had been accosted by an old woman when the train stopped at a station.───我曾经在北京的杂志上看过一则女人在火车进站的时候向车上的一个男人卖东西的故事。
That way, you'll be prepared to avoid the stress of being ambushed by a team of salesmen or accosted by a loan shark.───那样的话,你就能避开店里销售员们的伏击和贷款员的搭讪。
英语使用场景One black professor was verbally accosted by a white student.
He was accosted by a beggar.
She was accosted by a complete stranger.
They were accosted by three white youths who taunted and then attacked them.
He was accosted by four youths and forced to give them all his money.
I'm usually accosted by beggars and drunks as I walk to the station.