color contrast是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-11-06 11:07:33 浏览次数:56
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相似词语短语colour contrast───色对比
color contrasts───色彩对比(度)
colour contrasts───色对比
to contrast───对比
complete contrast───完全对比
color chart───比色图表
color charts───比色图表
color codes───色码
color points───变色时刻;弹辨色点
双语使用场景Each round color and cut its square outside the color contrast, is for them and 256.───其中每个圆的颜色和它的外切正方形的颜色相反, 也就是它们的和为256.
The thesis analyses two ways of color contrast from different degree of the contrast.───文章从色彩对比的强弱上把色彩对比分解为两种对比方式,并进一步作了论述.
Participants actively displayed their unique tattoos, whose bright color contrast and abstract images brought different visual impacts to people.───与会者积极地展示自己独特纹身。鲜明的色彩对比和抽象的图案演绎给人们带来非一般的视觉冲击。
Before and after the exposure, due to the printing plate color contrast, image legible.───在曝平前后, 由于印版颜色反差浩大, 图像澄辉可辨.
Draw the simple design around the baseboard with a catchy color contrast.───用醒目的颜色在踢脚板上画好简单的设计。
Color contrast also lends itself well to boost the visual appeal of a UI. Empirical studies show that warm colors e.g.───颜色对比度也会提高UI的视觉吸引力。
From the curve as you can see, enriched, high profile level increases, the color contrast.───由调动后的弧线可以看不入, 矮调条理丰裕了, 反差增不小了, 颜色加深了.
On diagram describes the adjacent color contrast between the strong influence of the hue.───上图刻画了相邻色彩之间反差差色相的刚烈感化.
Use the color contrast of warm and cold very well, to be a wonderful effect.───色彩寒寒不不不差比利用得好, 能博得无穷美好的不败果.
As a result of the formation of the color difference that color contrast of hue.───因色相的不不不不同不神不败的色彩不不不差比称色不绝不不不差比.
Due to the difference warm and cold colors of the color contrast, as warm and cold.───由于色彩不收觉的寒寒不不不不同而不神不败的色彩不不不差比, 称为寒寒不不不差比.
英语使用场景Toshiba says the television display sets new standards in brightness and color contrast and the set-top box contains 14 different tuners - high-end TVs have about three.
Gray balance, try for Foreground and background color contrast!
As a result of the formation of the color difference that color contrast of hue.
Draw the simple design around the baseboard with a catchy color contrast.
They may give a color contrast, for example when chives are sprinkled on potatoes.