in preference to是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-11-06 10:39:37 浏览次数:90
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维普论文查重系统 4.00元/千字• 语种:中文,英文• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:学位论文查重,维普论文检测系统:高校,杂志社指定系统,可检测期刊发表,大学生,硕博等论文。检测报告支持PDF、网页格式,...开始检测
万方论文查重系统 4.00元/千字• 语种:中文• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:毕业论文查重,万方查重系统,涵盖期刊、学位论文、学术成果、学术会议论文的大型网络数据库;比肩中国知网的学术数据库。最多支...开始检测
PaperPass论文检测 3.00元/千字• 语种:中文• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:论文查重平台,PaperPass的比对指纹数据库由超过9000万的学术期刊和学位论文,以及一个超过10亿数量的互联网网页...开始检测
相似词语短语in deference to───鉴于;听从
make reference to───提到,谈及
with/in reference to───参照
far preferable to───远比
interference fits───过盈配合;干涉配合;紧配合
interference fit───过盈配合;干涉配合;紧配合
双语使用场景My heart invariably cleaved to the master's, in preference to Catherine's side.───我的心情愿毫不更变地永远依附在主人身上, 而不是在凯瑟琳那边.
She was chosen in preference to her sister.───她被选中了,而不是她妹妹。
Roman Legionnaires were trained upon the thrust in preference to cutting attacks.───相对于劈砍攻击,罗马军团的士兵在训练时更侧重于刺杀.
I would usually choose apples in preference to pears.───我通常愿意选择苹果,其次才是梨.
I would usually choose teaching as my profession in preference to engineering.───我通常愿意挑选教书作为我的职业,其次才是工程.
Even there, English was often chosen as the medium of education in preference to the inhabitants' mother tongues.───即便在那里,他们也更青睐于选英语作为教育的语言,而不是他们的母语。
The reason why these particular forms are used in preference to others are outlined below.───为什么采用这些特殊的形状而不采用其他形状的理由说明如下.
She chose to learn the violin in preference to the piano.───她愿学小提琴而不学钢琴.
You can also employ tables to add color a page in preference to slow loading graphics.───你可以利用表格填充网页颜色,这样比下载速度慢的图片更好.
Promoting the use of aluminum containers in preference to others might actually conserve resources.───提倡优先使用铝容器,实际上可以节约资源.
Many of these products were bought in preference to their own.───这些产品中有很多是因为认为自己的产品不佳才购进的。
Application designers: create entertainment UIs that provide a pleasant experience in preference to an efficient one.───应用设计者: 生成娱乐UI, 提供令人愉快的体验,效率是次要的.
You should certainly use these in preference to the more verbose traditional means of accomplishing the same thing.───你当然应该优先使用这些,而不是传统的冗长的方式,来完成相同的任务。