water buffalo是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-30 11:08:13 浏览次数:49
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相似词语短语water buffalos───[畜牧][脊椎]水牛
water buffaloes───[畜牧][脊椎]水牛
Cape buffalo───产于南非之黑色大水牛
Cape buffalos───产于南非之黑色大水牛
dwarf buffalo───矮水牛
to buffalo───去水牛城
Asiatic buffalo───亚洲水牛
Cape buffaloes───产于南非之黑色大水牛
dwarf buffalos───矮水牛
双语使用场景In Hanoi, bicycles and water buffalo have given way to motorcycles and Internet cafes.───在河内,自行车和水牛已被摩托车和网吧取代。
South America has produced the world's most spectacular successes with commercial water buffalo herds.───在培育商业性水牛群方面,世界上要数南美洲的成就最为可观.
Result All isolates of S . cruzi from infected water buffalo and catt le showed identical enzyme profiles.───结果黄牛与水牛的枯氏肉孢子虫两种酶酶带相似,只在活性上略有差异.
Apparently, only water buffalo down a drink in one go, and dogs take two sips.───很显然, 一口而进是牛饮, 两口喝完是家犬.
One water buffalo myth conjures up an image of wild and vicious animals.───这些奇谈之一是把水牛说成是一种粗野而残暴的动物.
A herd of water buffalo charges down a dirt road in rural Laos.───一群水牛在老挝的一条乡村土路上横冲直撞.
In parts it is a slick black ooze, fit only for scores of bathing water buffalo.───有些地方是光滑的黑色的淤泥,仅仅适合于水牛洗澡。
Peasants wade knee deep in mud coaxing water buffalo to pull ploughs.───农民跋涉在没膝深的泥泞中,赶着牛在犁地.
Chen forgot his own sorrows in his sympathy for that poor water buffalo.───陈很同情那头水牛,他忘记了自己的悲哀.
The water buffalo squelched up and down the paddy fields, pulling the plough.───水牛拉着犁,在稻田里咕唧咕唧地走着.
Hounds tongue made out breath, water buffalo wallowing in the mud lake.───猎狗吐出舌头发喘, 水牛在泥塘里打滚.
Li Wei thanks this rich intelligence water buffalo to rescue, then models this elephant in here.───郦为感谢这富有灵性的水牛相救, 便在这里塑此像.
The DCC method was used to study the rumen bacteria of water buffalo.───本试验应用DCC法对水牛瘤胃细菌进行测定.
When the water buffalo saw Xingyuan, it began to cry.───当水牛看到兴元, 就哭了起来.
Water buffalo and horse compete with a red tractor, evidence of a beginning in farm mechanization.───水牛和马与一辆红色的拖拉机同场竞技, 拖拉机是农业机械化开始的迹象.
Men plowed the muddy fields with water buffalo.───苍翠的山脉连绵起伏,但就连最陡峭的山坡上也被开成梯田种上了水稻.