tom to是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-30 10:33:31 浏览次数:87
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come to───v.想起;共计
took to───喜欢;走向;开始从事
yom tov───圣日节
cop to───接受;承认
go to───v.转到;定位
hop to───跳到
on to───向
双语使用场景I don't think it of any use trying to persuade Tom to give up smoking.───我认为劝汤姆戒烟没用。
Priest: Mary, will you give yourself to Tom, to be his wife, to live with him according to God's word?───牧师:玛丽,将你给自己献给汤姆,成为他的妻子,按照上帝的意思和她在一起生活吗?
He instructed Tom to do every show as if his mother, a priest, and a nun were in the audience.───他指示汤姆做每场演出,好像他的母亲,一名牧师和修女在观众。
It was a habit with Tom to put his hands in his trousers pockets.───汤姆习惯把手插到裤子的口袋里。
He sat on a stoop a few doors down, not wanting Tom to see him out the window and think him a nerd for arriving early.───他在几间房前的门廊里坐了一会,因为他不希望汤姆从窗户外看见他并且认为他是个早到的蠢货。
We are planning a tea party to celebrate Dr. Lear's fiftieth anniversary of his medical teaching and of course we want you and Tom to come.───我们打算举行一次茶话会祝贺李尔博士从事医学教学工作五十周年,当然希望您和汤姆参加。
英语使用场景I nominate Tom to make the tea.
He neglected calling Tom to school.
This bucket of water should fetch Tom to.
She wants Tom to come to her party.
I'd like Tom to act as a stand-in for Julian until he returns to work.
She requested Tom to go with her.
I've sent Tom to buy some milk.
We've got Tom to thank for the accident.
The doctor told Tom to quit smoking and go on a diet.