have been there是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-30 09:57:04 浏览次数:62
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全都知道, 直接了解, 亲眼看到
相似词语短语have been around───阅历多;老于世故;遍布各地
have a green thumb───擅长园艺
have green fingers───擅长园艺(非正式)
have need to───有必要做
have the heart───有勇气做某事;对于某事可以忍受
here and there───各处,到处
have heard sth before───以前听过某事
have someone on the run───有人在逃吗
have sb to thank───感谢某人
双语使用场景The play was very amusing; You ought to have been there.───此剧很有趣; 你应该去看.
I have been there twice.───我去过两回.
We wouldn't have been there but for him.───要不是他,我们就不会到那里去了。
I have been there scores of times.───我到那里曾去过好多次.
I don't think we should have been there in the first place.───我认为我们从一开始就不该在那儿。
The play was very amusing, you ought to have been there.───此剧很有趣, 你应该去看.
I'd have given my right arm to have been there with them.───要是当时能跟他们一起去那儿,我宁愿放弃一切。
Back then, only a few natives could have been there to see it land.───然而却仅有几个当地人曾亲眼目睹它的坠落.
You know so much about the city. You must have been there.───您对该市这么了解, 一定是去过那儿.
The best information about hotels usually comes from friends and acquaintances who have been there.───关于酒店的最可靠信息通常来自曾经去过那里的朋友和熟人。
I have been there once.───我到过那儿一次.
He may have been there, but I did not see him.───他可能到那里去了, 但我没看见他.
I have been there many a time.───去过那儿很多次.
I have been there many times since the war.───自那次战争以来,我曾去该地多次.
I have been there twice recently.───我最近去过图书馆两次.
The best information about hotels usually comes from friends and acquaintances who have been there.───有关旅馆的最佳信息通常来自曾经去过那儿的朋友和熟人。
I don't think I am going today. First , I am feeling a bit tired; secondly, I have been there several times before.───我想今天不去了, 一则我有点累, 二则我去过好几趟了.
I have been there for times without number.───我已去过那里无数次.