not food是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-30 09:54:10 浏览次数:136
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相似词语短语cat food───猫的食物;猫粮
dog food───狗食;一文不值,分文不值
pet food───宠物食品
cat foods───猫的食物;猫粮
diet food───减肥食物;规定的食物
dog foods───狗食;一文不值,分文不值
fast food───速食,快餐
双语使用场景Not food, anyway.───反正也没有食物。
This is not Food Crisis 2.0.───这不是粮食危机的再现。
The critical resource in a modern economy is not food, but power.───现代经济中的关键资源不是食物,而是能源。
Now some scientists are trying to help quolls, and maybe other species, by teaching them that cane toads are not food and should be avoided.───现在,一些科学家想办法帮助这些小袋鼬,或许还有其它类似的物种,方法就是教会它们树蛙是不能吃的,应当躲开。
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack points out that the virus is not food-borne and has nothing to do with consuming pork products.───农业部长维尔萨克指出,该病毒并非由食物传染的,与消费猪肉产品并没有任何关系。
If it is not food, it must be tasted.───如果它不是食物,我一定要尝尝看。
But it was not food that they wanted, but rest.───但是他们需要的不是食物,而是休息。
The price includes travel and lodging as well as several tours, but not food.───这个价包括路费、住宿费以及几个行程,但不包括餐饮费。
英语使用场景Their secretion seems to be not food but a volatile potion that has a dramatic impact upon the ants' behaviour.
The doctor told Mum it was only a stomach upset, not food poisoning, and she would get over it in a day or two.
A school of Pilot fish swarming around a Oceanic Whitetip shark. Just like Finding Nemo this hungry shark looks like it has learnt fish are friends not food.