dead cell是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 17:36:00 浏览次数:182
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[医]死细胞; 死牢
相似词语短语death cell───死亡细胞
dead cells───死细胞
dead ball───死球(停止比赛进行时段)
red cell───红细胞;红血球
death cells───死亡细胞
dead balls───死球(停止比赛进行时段)
dead metal───废玻璃液
death bell───死亡钟
guard cell───[细胞]保卫细胞
双语使用场景However, once you find yourself with a dead cell phone or in the wilderness, your access to the compendium is lost.───但是,一旦你发现手机没电了或者没有信号了,你就不能查到你想要的。
Remove the dirt, cosmetic, sebum, dead cell and other harmful substances deposited in pores and texture efficiently, restore the fresh and white skin.───有效清除沉积在毛孔和肌肤纹理间的污垢、彩妆、油脂和死皮细胞等有害物质,回复肌肤新鲜白皙。
Function: Remove comedo and dead cell , Oil control, Lavender disinfect & sterilize .───功效: 清除脸部的黑头、角质 、 控制油脂的分泌、收缩毛孔, 消毒 杀菌.
In the first phase, "Out With the Old", the System accelerates dead cell exfoliation, so expect flaking and peeling, revealing fresher, smoother skin.───在第一个阶段“脱去旧皮”,系统产品会促进死亡皮细胞剥落,因此将会剥落及脱皮,展现新生更平滑的皮肤。
英语使用场景Function: Remove comedo and dead cell , Oil control, Lavender disinfect & sterilize .
Because breed frost is absorbed more easily, and do not cause fall off the accumulation of dead cell, fall off two blandly every week so the hairdressing program that scurfy need brings into you.
Below microscope we can see cork is by by tens of thousands be just as composition of alveolate dead cell, air was filled inside the cell, formed many a airtight gasbag.
Its binary cell division characteristic with wall invagination and possible trichome fragmentation resulting from a dead cell, are typical reproductive modes of modern cyanobacteria.