react differently是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 17:14:55 浏览次数:73
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相似词语短语behave differently───表现不同
think differently───想法不同
semantic differentials───语义差异法;语义区别;语义分化
semantic differential───语义差异法;语义区别;语义分化
wage differentials───工资差别
age difference───年龄差异
双语使用场景Britain, they fear, might react differently.───他们害怕英国的表现会有所不同。
We know that things react differently to heat.───我们发现不同物质对热的反应也不同。
They react differently to predators too.───它们对于捕食者的反应也不尽相同。
But the immune system could react differently if it had these antibodies before infection.───但是如果在感染之前就有这些抗体,免疫系统的反应可能会不同。
Once modeled, faults can be processed by specific fault handlers and it is possible to react differently to different faults.───在建模之后,就可以通过特定的错误处理程序处理错误并对不同的错误做出不同的响应。
That demonstrates that STT nerves react differently to the sensation of a scratch when it happens in response to an existing itch.───这表明,STT神经在存在瘙痒的时候对于挠痒的反应是不一样的。
Let me first say that every "body" is different and will react differently to the situation.───我首先要说的是,每个人的“身体”都不一样,身体的反应也都不一样。
If it was their daughters who were being raped, I'm sure they would react differently.───如果是他们的女儿被强奸,我敢肯定他们会是另一种反应。
The cat sits on my back and I'm reminded of how animals react differently to him.───猫坐在我的背上,让我想起,动物们对他的反应是那么的不同。
英语使用场景Americans would probably react differently to the war if it was in their own back yard.
Most of our congregations contain a multiplicity of people who react differently to different kinds of musical expression.
"The inflation-phobic European Central Bank might react differently, which may explain why the euro has been rising in recent days," Gault said.
The Swedish tool steels react well to the blueing solution, the varying alloys in the steels react differently, thus giving me an array of interesting colors.
It takes time to react differently.
"Female capuchin monkey brains react differently to the urine of adult males than to urine of juvenile males, " said Dr Phillips.
In Kenya, researchers found that elephants react differently to clothing worn by men of the Maasai and Kamba ethnic groups.