has a place是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 16:59:01 浏览次数:54
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相似词语短语bad place───不好的地方
high place───上层;重要地位;高处
holy place───n.圣所;圣殿
house place───居所
on a plate───在盘子里;现成地
sea lace───海带
take place───发生;举行
warm place───温暖的地方
board a plane───登机
双语使用场景Each human being has a place of poverty.───人人都有一处贫穷之地。
Croatia also has a place in the history of neckwear as the origin of the necktie (cravat).───作为领带(领结)的发源地,克罗地亚在领饰的历史上也有一席之地。
Make sure everything has a place.───确保每件东西都有地方放置。
Puffin place a huge role in the culture of this society. It has a place in the heart of everybody.───在这个区域的文化中,海雀扮演着非常重要的角色。它在每个人心中都有很重要的地位。
At English law, a company will be deemed to be within the jurisdiction if it has a place of business here.───公司如果它有营业场所这里,在英国法律的,公司将被视为是在司法之内。
Surely videoconferencing has a place in online therapy, just as it has had for the past decade.───当然视频会议在网络医院平台是有着自己的地盘,正如过去是十年那样。
My heart always has a place for you. The door to my heart is always open to you.───此生此世,我心中总有你的位置。
Not to mention the fact that the thong has a place in history, too.───更不用说,丁字裤已经流入了历史的长河中这一事实。
Because people thousands of years ago, manipulated people into this doesn't mean it has a place in India.───因为几千年前的人们,把人们推入此事,不代表着(现在)在印度是合理的。
英语使用场景Don't you agree that Malcolm X definitely has a place in the pantheon of black civil rights heroes?
To feel that one has a place in life solves half the problem of content.
A very bright, transparent cool green, viridian has a place on many palettes.
However, liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma still has a place in carefully selected patients.
Here in Warsaw, despite everything, she has a place to stay and she could be a teacher.
Richard Wilson, the genius of landscape painting, has a place of honour.
Intravenous beta blockade also has a place in acute care in selected patients.
Rutledge definitely has a place among other American worthies.
Jenny has a place to study law at Exeter this year.