cure you是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 16:43:45 浏览次数:72
硕博初稿查重系统 498.00元/篇• 语种:中文,英文,小语种• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:硕博初稿检测(一般习惯叫做硕博预审版),论文查重检测上千万篇中文文献,超百万篇各类独家文献,超百万港澳台地区学术文献过千...开始检测
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相似词语短语mark you───注意;听着
see you───再见;回头见
after you───您先请
curb roof───n.复折式屋顶,复斜屋顶
curly top───卷顶病
how are you───你好
secure zone───安全区
双语使用场景They won't cure you, but you'll feel better.───医院也许不能治疗你的疾病,但是一定可以让你破产。
They won’t cure you, but you’ll feel better.───这些药不能让你康复,但会让你感觉好点。
You Know, songs can only give you a temporary escape from the restraints, but will never be the cure you pain medication.───而你需知,歌只能让你暂时逃离于束缚,却永远也不会成为医治你创痛的药物。
'So you wanted to get away, my dear, did you? Wanted to call the police and get help? We'll cure you of that.───这么说你想离开这儿,是吗,亲爱的?想叫警察来救你?我们先来治治你。
Rest and devoted family love will soon cure you of this infatuation, for it is nothing else.───休息和家庭的温暖很快就会把您这种狂热医好,因为这只不过是一种狂热而已。
Gavin, you told me that Michael's love helped cure you of cancer.───加文,你曾告诉我MJ是多么的热心帮助你治疗癌症。
Several courses of acupuncture treatment will cure you of your illness.───扎几次针,就能治好您的病。
Find relief in your religion. This won't cure you from panic attacks, but your faith can help you to cope with them.───从宗教中找到解脱。这不会治愈你的惊恐袭击,但是你的信念能够帮助你应对它们。
英语使用场景Please make cure you have all your possessions with you when leaving the plane.
Ah, but who, she asked herself with sudden foreboding, is going to cure you of Penry Meredith Vaughan?
A hot beanbag may be just the cure you need.