business activities是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 15:59:09 浏览次数:115
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相似词语短语business activity───商业活动,经济活动;[贸易]业务活动
business accounting───经济核算;[会计]商业会计
business accounts───企业账户;公司户头
business centres───商务中心;商业中心
business machines───商用机器
business studies───商业研究;业务研究;经营研究
business Englishes───商务英语
business account───企业账户;公司户头
双语使用场景He also agreed not to take on 'conflicting business activities'.───他还同意不进行与惠普利益冲突的商业行为。
This pattern essentially aligns your services with business activities.───这个模式实际上是让服务与企业活动保持一致。
Being something that the enterprise will use as part of its business activities.───成为企业将用作其业务活动的一部分的某种东西。
It concerns everyone within the bank and should be viewed as an integral part of the bank's business activities.───合规与银行内部的每一位员工都相关,应被视为银行经营活动的组成部分。
Direct chain is all the same capital, the headquarters management, business activities carried out jointly highly organized retail business.───直营连锁是指同一资本所有,由总部集中管理,共同开展经营活动的高度组织化的零售企业。
He showed up for classes and did what was required of him but he was clearly bored and spent a lot of time on outside business activities.───他上了课也做了他应该做的,但他显然是个无趣的人并且花了很多时间在外面的商业活动中。
We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese . . . . . . , which comes within the frame of our business activities.───据了解,你们是中国…(商品)有潜力的买主,而该商品正属我们的业务经营范围。
as you may be knowing that due to severe floods in Pakistan, the business activities have been slowed down.───正如你可能知道,由于在巴基斯坦的严重水灾,商业活动已经放缓。
As the items fall within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.───由于这些商品正好属于我们的经营范围,我们会很高兴与贵公司建立直接的业务关系。
英语使用场景Articles of this kind fall within the scope of our business activities.