loire valley是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 15:12:10 浏览次数:70
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相似词语短语Alpine Valley───阿尔卑斯山谷
wooded valley───树木繁茂的山谷
dry valley───[地质]干谷;涸谷
rift valley───[地质]裂谷;地堑
river valley───[地理]河谷;山涧
tire valve───轮胎汽门嘴;轮胎阀
tire valves───轮胎汽门嘴;轮胎阀
Moreno Valley───莫雷诺谷(美国加利福尼亚州里弗赛德县的一个城市)
Yosemite Valley───约塞米蒂谷(美国一峡谷)
双语使用场景One of the most scenic areas of central France is Loire Valley.───法国中部最优美的地区是卢瓦尔河流域.
The top wine - producing areas are Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley.───最负盛名的葡萄酒产地莫过于波尔多, 勃艮第和鲁瓦尔河谷.
There's something about the Loire Valley that makes you want to savour every moment.───卢瓦尔山谷有某种特殊气息,让人想要充分享受在这里的每时每刻。
This is the principle soil type of the Loire Valley, Champagne and Burgundy regions.───这是卢瓦河谷 、 香槟区和勃艮第区的标准土壤.
英语使用场景As lay-abbot of St-Martin Tours, Adalard occupied a key strategic position in the Loire valley.
This is the top " brut " of the Loire valley very often compared to the best champagne which makes it a very good report about quality and price.
We left our chalet in the Loire Valley at Richelieu at 8.00 am on Sunday to attempt a photo shoot at the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.
The top wine - producing areas are Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley.
There's something about the Loire Valley that makes you want to savour every moment.
One of the most scenic areas of central France is Loire Valley.
The Loire Valley just two hours south of Paris has the greatest concentration of chateaux in France.
Mr Vinceti is a member of a group which is seeking permission to exhume da Vinci's remains from his tomb at Amboise Castle in France's Loire Valley.
About 15 years ago, I spent a summer in France Loire Valley.