handed it in是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 14:33:46 浏览次数:272
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相似词语短语handed in───交上;提交;呈送
hand it to───赞扬;承认...的长处
handed down───宣布;把…传下去
handed on───转交;传递下去
handed around───传阅
hand basin───洗手盆
hand in───交上;提交;呈送
handed back───退还;归还
handed brace───手摇钻,手钻
双语使用场景I handed it in the next day and was surprised to find out that the winning essays would be read in the auditorium on Thursday night.───第二天交作文的时候,我惊讶的得知,获奖作文要在周四晚上在礼堂朗读出来。
He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher .───他对这个计划倾注了很多心血,第二天他将它交给了老师。
He looked over the test paper again before he handed it in.───交试卷之前他又检查了一遍。
You hand in your exercise book late again. You ought to have handed it in yesterday.───你又迟交了作业了,昨天你就该交的。
He saw a purse lying on the ground. He picked it up and handed it in.───他看到地上放着一个钱包,就捡起来上交了。
At last, I didn't open my book, and I handed it in without answering that question.───我终于没有打开书。最后,我没答那道题就交卷了。
英语使用场景Anxiously, she handed it in, her face full of pity for the loser.
Kate sat down, hashed it out and handed it in with half an hour to spare.