taken action是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-27 12:51:21 浏览次数:189
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相似词语短语take action───采取行动;提出诉讼
face action───面部动作
taken out on───拿…出气;对…发泄
caster action───主销后倾作用
urgent action───紧急行动;紧急救援
back action───[物]反作用
begin action───起诉
knee action───减震作用
lever action───[力]杠杆作用
双语使用场景In the absence of such laws, the states have actually taken action over the past 5 to 10 years.───在这种法律空缺的情况下,各个州在过去的五到十年间已经采取了行动。
Meanwhile the Administration had taken action of decisive international significance.───同时管理在国际上也采取果断的措施。
Other companies have already taken action regarding IE6.───其他公司也已经对IE 6采取了行动。
Slower growth is, in part, a welcome sign that their central banks have taken action, and that those measures are beginning to work.───鉴于这些国家的央行已经采取措施,并且这些措施的效果正在开始显现,经济增长放缓不失为一个好的兆头。
We have taken action , but it is going to take awhile for the economy to feel the effects of this good law that I have signed .───我们已经采取了行动,但是还需要一段时间才能使经济感受到我签署的这个好法案的效果。
they could have sensed the danger to the swimmers , and taken action to protect them , " she said" .───它们很可能是意识到泳客身陷险境,于是采取行动保护他们。
The shoe companies have realised there is a problem and taken action, now it's up to the supermarkets to follow that lead.───这些制鞋企业已经意识到问题的存在并且采取了行动,现在那些大型超市该紧随其后了。
We've taken action to help responsible homeowners refinance their mortgages.───我们已经采取措施帮助负责任的房主们进行转按揭贷款。
If I had known the fact, I would have taken action right away.───假如果早知道真相,我就会立刻采取行动。
英语使用场景Not to have taken action, she said, would have laid her department open to a charge of negligence.
Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt has already taken action on endangered species, land management issues and reorganizing its science programme.
Not to have taken action would have laid the department open to charges of negligence.
The Gambian Committee on Traditional Practices had taken action to inform and develop awareness among all sectors of society.
So far, 29 states have taken action to guarantee victims' rights.
Since the 1987 article, some bureaux have taken action to ease the difficulties of the hearing impaired.
The police have taken action to combat the wave of car crime.
We have banned the use of veal crates, and taken action to ensure humane slaughter.
The Australian Taxation Office has taken action against 27 employees for breaches of privacy, including sacking four of them.