moved out是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-27 11:47:29 浏览次数:189
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相似词语短语move out───搬出;开始行动
moves out───搬出
smoked out───查出;用烟熏出;使…公诸于世
bowed out───退出,辞职
doled out───少量发放
doped out───vt.猜出,想出;预测;推测出;解出
lived out───住在外面;活过(某一段时间);实践,实现
maxed out───信贷时代(纪录片)
meted out───给予
双语使用场景She had moved out of hearing.───她走远了,已经听不到。
But when I moved out, he moved in.───但当我离开后,他搬进去了。
I stay in this room because I don't want to be moved out of it.───我待在这个房间里,因为我不想出去。
Mr. Alexander's parents have since moved out of the assisted-living facility and back into their home, so he tends to them most days.───亚历山大的父母为了给予孩子一些经济支持,也搬出了养老院,和孩子们住了很长时间。
When a squad moved out of a village, the self-help groups checked to see that everything borrowed from the people had been returned.───当一个班撤离一个村庄时,互助组检查从老百姓那儿借来的东西是否退还了。
Celia, who had been living in furnished rooms in Boonton, had already moved out from there, putting some of her things in storage.───西莉亚以前在布恩吞镇上租的那所备有家具的房子已经退了,一些什物也堆进了贮藏库。
Michael soon moved out of the Halifax house he shared with his boyfriends and sequestered himself in an apartment across town.───很快,迈克尔从他和男友们同居的房子里搬了出来,把自己关在城市另一头的一个公寓里。
It is often in the disharmonious encounters between members of our pods that the entire group is moved out of sync with Earth's heartbeat.───通常在我们的圆荚体之间不和谐的遭遇中,整个团队脱离了与地球心跳的同步。
The building had been converted into a physiotherapist's practice after the bank had moved out.───这家分行搬走后,这里变成了一个理疗所。
英语使用场景The geriatric patients will be moved out.
They moved out of London when he was little.
Travis moved out west after college.
They looked after the train as it moved out.
They moved out and the lease was surrendered.
She seems to be prospering since she moved out of the city.
She moved out of the house because she wanted her own personal space.
The family moved out west to Kansas.
They had a huge row and Sally moved out of the house.