singleness of purpose是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-27 11:20:56 浏览次数:51
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相似词语短语sense of purpose───目的感;使命感
angle of repose───[物]休止角;[物]静止角;堆角
intended purpose───预期使用目的
serve a purpose───有用;有一定用处
sole purpose───唯一目的
single person supplement───单人补充
双语使用场景your life a life of singleness of purpose?───你的生命是否只有一个专注的目标?
Third, to center your thought upon it with singleness of purpose.───第三, 把你全部的精力都集中到你想要的东西上.
Outside the Senate, Hillary has displayed the same singleness of purpose.───在参议院内外,希拉里表现一致,没有二心。
英语使用场景Fridays Pray for the Mission Board, that there might be unity and a singleness of purpose.
Here spoke the man of destiny whose singleness of purpose overrode all other considerations.
Third, to center your thought upon it with singleness of purpose.
Well-structured courses prevent the sense of singleness of purpose from being dissipated.