equals to???????????????????????????
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-09-20 13:51:31 浏览次数:41
硕博初稿查重系统 498.00元/篇• 语种:中文,英文,小语种• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:硕博初稿检测(一般习惯叫做硕博预审版),论文查重检测上千万篇中文文献,超百万篇各类独家文献,超百万港澳台地区学术文献过千...开始检测
维普论文查重系统 4.00元/千字• 语种:中文,英文• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:学位论文查重,维普论文检测系统:高校,杂志社指定系统,可检测期刊发表,大学生,硕博等论文。检测报告支持PDF、网页格式,...开始检测
万方论文查重系统 4.00元/千字• 语种:中文• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:毕业论文查重,万方查重系统,涵盖期刊、学位论文、学术成果、学术会议论文的大型网络数据库;比肩中国知网的学术数据库。最多支...开始检测
PaperPass论文检测 3.00元/千字• 语种:中文• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:论文查重平台,PaperPass的比对指纹数据库由超过9000万的学术期刊和学位论文,以及一个超过10亿数量的互联网网页...开始检测
equals sign???????????????
equal sign???????????????
equal time??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
equal status?????????????????????
??????????????????It is an exchange between equals to help the needy.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
At a coexistence line, then the number of phases equals to two.???????????????????????????????????????????????????
If I or you are to do anything worthwhile in this world, we need to see ourselves as equals to others in value.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
If the intensity of the jamming source nearly equals to that of target's radiation, the jamming can be achieved.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
For many students, graduation is equals to unemployment, with diplomas in their hands. High degree is no longer a key to a good job.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
It equals to the sum up of cost of each capital multiplying its weighted ratio in the total assets.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
So Unites States can gain a great profit from the price difference. It equals to collect the "money tax" from other country.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
That means one year increase in Chinas industry revenue equals to the total size of Indias industry.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
??????????????????The enterprise value equals to the total discount of the free cash flow in the future.
Actually, the spirit of being tipsy equals to the spirit of freedom, which makes Chinese Taoism close to the western bacchanal spirit.
The PT secondary loop voltage drop equals to the product of the PT secondary loop impedance and the loop current.
The actual capacity equals to product of the basic capacity and a serial of adjustment factors.
Furthermore, when the number of eigenstates N equals to the square root of quantum number n , the equally weighted wave packet minimizes the uncertainty relation.
The life most of the time, commitments equals to constrain, reluctantly we yearn for bound.
The investment account value equals to the number of units multiplying the bid price of the units.
Development and application of viscous dampers equals to erect "Safety Air-bag" on buildings or bridges.
The life most of the time, commitments equals to constrain, reluctan.