the number是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-09-20 11:26:59 浏览次数:889
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PaperPass论文检测 3.00元/千字• 语种:中文• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:论文查重平台,PaperPass的比对指纹数据库由超过9000万的学术期刊和学位论文,以及一个超过10亿数量的互联网网页...开始检测
[电影]灵数23; 数字23
相似词语短语the numbers───数字
to number───至编号
phone number───电话号码
sheer number───绝对数量
whole number───整数
code number───代码,编号;代号;地区代码
huge number───大量
wave number───[光]波数
by the numbers───系统地;按常规地
双语使用场景The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years.───经理的人数在3年内必须翻倍达到100人。
The number at the bottom is the recommended water temperature in Centigrade.───底部的数字就是推荐的摄氏水温。
I wrote down the number 46 and drew a circle around it.───我写下46这个数字,又画了个圆将它圈起来。
The number of commuters to London has dropped by 100,000.───往返于伦敦的上班族减少了10万。
The number of independent firms decreased from 198 to 96.───独立公司的数量从198个减少到了96个。
The number of under-sixteens in low-paid jobs is increasing.───16岁以下从事低收入工作的人数正在增加。
The number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion.───领养小孩后怀孕的妇女比比皆是。
The number 57 306 contains five digits.───数字57 306是个五位数。
number of city dwellers is growing.───城市居民的数量日渐增长。
The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent.───寻求避难的家庭户增加了17%。
The city has trebled the number of its prisoners to 21,000.───该市的囚犯人数增长了两倍,达到21,000人。
The number of abstentions is likely to be crucial.───弃权票数很可能起决定性作用。
She was intimidated by the number of businessmen buzzing around the saleroom.───拍卖行里乱哄哄谈生意的商人们令她望而生畏。
Simply dial the number and tell us your area.───只需拨这个号码告诉我们你在什么地方。
The number of calories in different brands of drinks varies enormously.───不同牌子的饮料所含的卡路里数大不相同。
The number of staff has declined from 217,000 to 114,000.───员工人数从21.7万减少到了11.4万。
The economy is the number one issue by far.───到目前为止,经济是头等大事。
I'm superstitious about the number 13.───我相信13这个数字不吉利。
英语使用场景He must limit the number of cigarettes he smokes.
A villager had noted the number of the truck.
The number thirteen is traditionally considered unlucky.
Set the dial for the number of copies required.
The number of suicide has increased.
The number of students of this school has shrunk.
The number of workers in our factory is 300.
The number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen.
There's still confusion about the number of casualties.