作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2022-11-05 11:07:11 浏览次数:160
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例如,目标期刊采用APA格式,"et al."只在文章有六个或六个以上作者时才在文内使用。因此,一定要仔细查看目标期刊的作者须知和已发表的论文。
1)Starfishfertilization is species specific (17).
2)Peterson (17) reported that starfishfertilization is species specific.
例如:In a current study (16), proteins expressed by the Epstein-Barr virus have beenclassified into three general groups according to their kinetics and synthesisrequirements.
应修改为:In a current study, proteins expressed bythe Epstein-Barr virus have been classified into three general groups accordingto their kinetics and synthesis requirements (16).
例如:The Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV used in this study was obtained from the supernatantof the 25-3 cell line confluently infected with the virus (3).
应修改为:TheMo+PyF101 M-MuLY(3) used in this study was obtained from the supernatantof the 25-3 cell line confluently infected with the virus.
例如:Two methods of tailoring the adhesion properties of thermoset stamps exist:One approach is plasma-deposited fluorinated film and coating with aself-assembled monolayer (SAM) of fluoroalkyltrichlorosilane; the otherapproach is using C4F8 as a feed gas to deposit Teflon-like antisticking layerand form the SAM layer from the gas phase (3, 4).
应修改为:Two methods oftailoring the adhesion properties ofthermoset stamps exist: One approach isplasma-deposited fluorinated film and coating with a self-assembled monolayer(SAM) of fluoroalkyltrichlorosilane(3); the other approach is using C4F8 as afeed gas to deposit Teflon-like antisticking layers and form the SAM layer fromthe gas phase (4).